On this page:
Writing an Input Line, Scrolling Through Past Input Lines.
Anything you enter you type as a response to Hypatia's input prompt, which is a question mark followed by a space.
The length of the input line is limited by the width of the console window. (For a workaround see page "Insert Files".)
Hypatia's input editor allows you to edit the line that you are typing, before you enter it.
In programs with a graphic interface the cursor usually stands between two character. Since Hypatia has a text interface, the cursor stands at a character position.
Unless you have moved the cursor to the left with ARROW LEFT or POS1 (see below), it stands to the right of the last character in the line.
Note that you can not use the mouse to move the cursor, only the keyboard!
- The ARROW LEFT and ARROW RIGHT keys move the cursor one character to the left or to the right.
- The POS1 key and also the ESC key move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- The END key moves the cursor to the right of the last character in the line.
- The BACKSPACE key deletes the character to the left of the cursor position.
- The DELETE key deletes the character at the cursor position.
- The ENTER key inputs the line as it is, regardless of the cursor position.
The editor is always in insert mode. When you type a character it will be written at the cursor position, and everything to its right will be moved one position further to the right. To replace something you have typed you first have to delete it.
You can paste text from the Windows clipboard to the input line at the cursor position by pressing Ctrl/V.
Should you change the width of the console window, Hypatia only becomes aware of the change after you have entered the next line. For this, you can just press the ENTER key.
Apart from comments, Hypatia will convert everything you type into lower case, therefore in calculation lines or command lines it makes no difference if you type something in lower case or upper case characters.
When the cursor is at the beginning of your input line, whether you have already typed something or not, the ARROW UP key brings you to previous input lines.
With the cursor at the beginning of a line, the ARROW UP and ARROW DOWN keys let you scroll through past input lines.
You can re-use a previous input line by pressing ENTER, or you can edit the line before you enter it again.
When you scroll through previous input lines, the vertical cursor position on the screen does not change -- that is, you do not move up and down the screen, but copies of the previous lines appear at the current vertical position.
Pressing the ESC key when the cursor is at the beginning of a previous line returns you to the current input line, which may be empty or not.
Since the ESC key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, pressing ESC twice after you have scrolled up always returns you to the current input line.
Hypatia does not remember the input lines from previous sessions.
Note that the input editor does not let you view or edit any files.
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